How you can help СВІДОК.info

The Russian invasion has forced millions of people to move from their homes, and thousands have been killed in this war. As Putin’s army keeps on moving forward into Ukrainian territory, one thing’s clear: Ukraine and its people are confronting immense, immediate danger, and they need all the help they can get.

Along with immense human loss, we can all agree that freedom of the press is also an important standard for any democratic independent country. Especially in this war, when one of the main Russian weapons is spreading fakes and propaganda.

For these reasons, and because Russia is active in the informational war, it is more important now than ever to support honest Ukrainian journalism.

Support СВІДОК.info by buying advertising via PRNEWS.IO. The marketplace decided to cancel fees for all media outlets owned by Ukrainian publishers

  1. Choose media
  2. Pay the price for placement in a convenient way.
  3. Add the text “To support your media” in the Title and Full-text area and click submit.
  4. The media will receive the money in the shortest amount of time.


4731 1856 2885 3167 – USD

4731 1856 2885 3191 – EUR

5168 7450 2156 5673 – UAH

Every contribution, however big or small, powers democratic journalism and sustains its future.

Thank you.